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Your 'perfectionism' is procrastination.

The best disguises live in plain sight

Your perfectionism is a sneaky little bugger.

It doesn’t show up as the fear and doubt it really is. No, it gets one over on you by dressing up as hard work.

I just need to tweak this one thing...

I’ll launch when it’s 100% ready...

I'll raise my rates after one more review...

You know the drill.

And suddenly, months go by. Your new offer, your website content, your social posts... they're still sitting there, in your head (or buried in a google doc), invisible to the people who need it.

Waiting for a day that will never come... the day it’s perfect.

Perfection is just procrastination in disguise.

I learn this the hard way. Not learned, meaning I'm actively learning and practicing this too.

For perspective, see the video clip above.

What I want you to take away from it is… the most successful solos are not the ones with flawless offers (mine definitely aren't).

The pros put something out there, get feedback, and make it better.

Don’t overthink it.

Do it messy first. Don't go back to the drawing board on a hunch. That's how you never launch your next thing.

Here’s a pledge I would like you to make. A pledge to yourself.

  • Stop setting your sights on perfect. Put it out there.

  • Aim for “good enough" that it will help someone you know.

  • Get it live. Get it working. Then, make it fantastic.

A client doesn’t care if your offer is 92% perfect or 100% (how would they even know?).

They just want you to solve their problem.

Action = Data

Action beats perfection.

Action is perfection.

Put something into the world. Observe. Adjust. Repeat.

Perfection can wait. Progress can’t.

Patrick O.

P.S. Don’t forget to grab your Six-Figure Solo Checklist and join me for the Q&A tomorrow at 1pm ET (I’ll send you the link).

Bring your checklist and join me for the Q&A.

We’ll talk about how to craft seductive offers that attract the best clients, what makes them say “yes,” and how to get them excited to work with you. It’s all happening live. Watch your inbox for the link so you don’t miss it.

NOTE: Subscribers received the checklist in their email. If you’re not subscribed yet, let’s fix that.

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